SAT Math Essentials contains hundreds of practice exercises to help students prepare for the more difficult math section in the new SAT. Absolutely essential for students preparing for the SAT.
Aug 3, 2008
SAT Math Essentials
Labels: Mathematics
The Chemist's Guide to Valence Bond Theory
Labels: Chemistry
Principles of Electrochemistry
Labels: Chemistry
Search Engine Optimization Made Easy
Labels: Internet
Essential Silverlight 2

Labels: Programming and Scripting
Maths: A Students Survival Guide (2nd Edition)
Labels: Mathematics
Plane Trigonometry - S.L Loney
Labels: Featured, Mathematics
Organic Chemistry (6th edition) - Morrison Boyd
Aug 2, 2008
Video Lectures: Web 2.0 AJAX Programming

In these tutorials, they cover just what's needed to start using Google's AJAX Search and Map APIs. These APIs provide tools for developing more interesting websites, and they also build an understanding of important concepts in API and event-based programming.
Labels: Lectures
Introducing Free Video Lecture Downloads
A picture is worth a thousand words. Well, I think then a lecture is worth a million words. So, from now on, I'll try to post Video Lectures about various subjects here at Ebook Deck. Hope you'll make good use of them. Happy learning !! :)
Labels: Lectures
Aug 1, 2008
Mathematics Olympiad in China: Problems and Solutions

competition for high school students. China has taken part in IMO
twenty times since 1985 and has won the top ranking for countries
thirteen times, with a multitude of golds for individual students. The
6 students China sent every year were selected from 20 to 30 students
among approximately 130 students who take part in the China
Mathematical Competition during the winter months. This volume
comprises a collection of original problems with solutions that China
used to train their Olympiad team in the years from 2003 to 2.006.
Scientific American - February 2008
Scientific American is a popular-science magazine, published (first weekly and later monthly) since August 28, 1845, making it the oldest continuously published magazine in the United States. It brings articles about new and innovative research to the amateur and lay audience.
Labels: Magazines
Jun 8, 2008
Magnetization Oscillations and Waves

Written by two well-known researchers in the field, this useful reference takes an applied approach to high frequency processes including oscillations and waves in ferromagnets, antiferromagnets, and ferrimagnets. Problems evaluated include ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic resonances, spin waves, nonlinear processes, and high frequency manifestations of interactions between the magnetic system and other systems of magnetically ordered substances as elastic waves and charge carriers. Unlike previous monographs on this subject, which are highly theoretical and written for very advanced readers, this book requires only an average college background in mathematics and experimental physics. It will be a valuable addition to the library of engineers and scientists in research and development for communications applications, and scientists interested in nonlinear magnetic phenomena. It also serves as an excellent introduction to the topic for newcomers in the field. Magnetization Oscillations and Waves not only presents results but also shows readers how to obtain them; most formulas are derived with so many details that readers can reproduce them. The book includes many summaries and tables and detailed references to significant work in the area by European researchers.
Labels: Physics
May 11, 2008
Essential Quantum Mechanics

Labels: Physics
The 80/20 Principle: The Secret of Achieving More With Less

- Paperback: 304 pages
- Publisher: Nicholas Brealey Publishing Ltd; 2nd Revised, 10th Anniversary Ed edition (September 13, 2007)
- ISBN-10: 1857883993
- ISBN-13: 978-1857883992
- Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.3 x 1 inches
Labels: Misc
A Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux

This book delivers…
- Deeper coverage of the command line and the GNOME GUI, including GUI customization
- Coverage of important Ubuntu topics, such as sudo and the new Upstart init daemon
- More practical coverage of file sharing with Samba, NFS, and FTP
- More detailed, usable coverage of Internet server configuration, including Apache, exim4, and DNS/BIND
- More state-of-the-art security techniques, including firewall setup using firestarter and iptables, as well as a full chapter on OpenSSH and an appendix on security
- Deeper coverage of “meat-and-potatoes” system and network administration tasks–from managing users to CUPS printing, configuring LANs to building a kernel
- A more practical introduction to writing bash shell scripts
- Complete instructions on how to keep your Linux system up-to-date using aptitude, Synaptic, and the Software Sources window
- And much more...including a 500+ term glossary, five detailed appendixes, and a comprehensive index to help you find what you need fast.
Labels: Linux
Understanding Probability: Chance Rules in Everyday Life

In this fully revised second edition of Understanding Probability, the reader can learn about the world of probability in an informal way. The author demystifies the law of large numbers, betting systems, random walks, the bootstrap, rare events, the central limit theorem, the Bayesian approach and more. This second edition has wider coverage, more explanations and examples and exercises, and a new chapter introducing Markov chains, making it a great choice for a first probability course. But its easy-going style makes it just as valuable if you want to learn about the subject on your own, and high school algebra is really all the mathematical background you need.
Labels: Mathematics
A First Course in Mathematical Analysis

Labels: Mathematics
May 10, 2008
iPhone: The Missing Manual

The iPhone's finger-driven interface seems natural and obvious. But when you really think about it, making it seem that way was no easy task. There are no menus in the iPhone software, for example, and no checkboxes or radio buttons. Everything on the screen has to be big enough for a fleshy fingertip.
On the other hand, the finger makes an outstanding pointing device; heck, you've been pointing with it all your life. It's much faster to scroll diagonally with a fingertip, for example, than with fussy adjustments on two different scroll bars.
Here, then, are some of the iPhone's unadvertised taps, double-taps, and other shortcuts, all culled from iPhone: The Missing Manual.
Labels: Mobiles and Gadgets
Programming for the Series 60 Platform and Symbian OS

The Series 60 platform is a smartphone platform designed for Symbian OS. It supports mobile browsing, multimedia messaging (MMS) and content downloading, as well as a host of personal information management and telephony applications.
'Programming for the Series 60 Platform and Symbian OS' integrates all necessary information for application development into one document, including software design, graphics and user interface programming, communications and Java programming on Series 60.
- Includes extensive code examples.
- Associated web site includes Series 60 SDK, code examples and more.
Bluetooth Essentials For Programmers

Labels: Programming and Scripting
SQL For Dummies

Relational database management systems are vital to many organizations. People often think that creating and maintaining these systems are extremely complex activities – the domain of database gurus who possess enlightenment beyond that of ordinary mortals. Well, SQL For Dummies, 5th Edition, sweeps away the database mystique.
Written in easy-to-understand terms and updated with the latest information on SQL, this handy reference shows you step-by-step how to make your database designs a reality using SQL:2003. But you don't have to be a database newbie to find value in SQL For Dummies, 5th Edition; even if you have some experience designing and creating databases, you may discover a few things you didn't know about.
Labels: Database
PHP 5 For Dummies

-- PHP is installed on nearly nine million servers, and usage has grown at the rate of 6.5 percent per month for the past two years
-- PHP is easy to learn, well suited for Web development, and can be embedded with HTML, making it a good choice for creating dynamic Web pages for e-commerce sites and other Web applications; a database-friendly language, it connects easily to Sybase, MySQL, mSQL, Oracle, and other databases
-- Explains how to acquire and install PHP, how PHP's features make it a useful scripting language, and how to use PHP for three of the most common applications: interactive Web sites, database storage, and common operating system tasks
Labels: Programming and Scripting
May 9, 2008
Cisco IP Routing Fundamentals

Comprehensive review of the operational mechanics of today's leading routing protocols, including IGRP, EIGRP, OSPF, RIP, and RIP-2
Detailed explanation of IP addressing, including classful and classless addresses, subnetting, supernetting, Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR), and Variable Length Subnet Masks (VLSM)
Side-by-side comparisons of various LAN segmentation technologies, including bridges, switches, and routers
Exploration of how routers are used to build wide area networks
Examination of the future of routing, including IPv6, next generation routing protocols, host-based routing, and IP Switching
IP Routing Fundamentals is the definitive introduction to routing in IP networks. This comprehensive guide explores the mechanics of routers, routing protocols, network interfaces, and operating systems.
This reference provides essential background information for network professionals who are deploying and maintaining LANs and WANs, as well as IT managers who are seeking information on how evolving internetworking technology will affect future networks. Part I discusses the many roles routers play in networks, Part II talks about the inner working of routers, Part III works with the operational issues of routing protocols, and Part IV addresses implementation issues that provide practical insight, in addition to a discussion of the future of routing.
Labels: Networking
May 8, 2008
Gray Hat Hacking, 2nd Edition

Labels: Hacking
May 5, 2008
Integrate Any Function Online for Free!

Labels: Featured, Mathematics
May 4, 2008
MIT Physics Lectures by Prof. Walter Lewin
OCW 8.01 is an online compilation of video lectures from MIT which sets its emphasis on Classical Mechanics. These lectures, as part of Open Course Ware project, are free for anyone to use.
Prof. Walter Lewin, the legendary physics professor discusses the various main topics of Classical Physics with great demonstrations which makes sure that you've got your concepts crystal clear !
Here's a small promo of Prof. Walter Lewin :
So, here are some of the links :
Please note that the external download links are for educational purpose. Please note that none of the files are hosted on our servers. Some of the links may not be active. The downloads are entirely at your own risk and we do not claim responsibility for the same. If you do not have the right to download and use the book, we recommend you not to download the file or to delete the file from your computer if you have already downloaded it.
Labels: Support
Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Probability and Statistics

Title: Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Probability and Statistics (Schaum's outline series in mathematics)
Author: Murray R. Spiegel
Publisher: Mcgraw-Hill
Publication Date: 1975-06
Number Of Pages: 304
Labels: Mathematics
How to View DjVu Files
DjVu is a document format which is not very popular in the computing world. But, face it. There are a lot of exciting books in the DjVu format. So, I thought it would be helpful if I show you how to open these books in your machines right away. I think this will help save some minutes of your life.
I recommend these softwares for viewing DjVu files in the given platforms :
- Windows : WinDjView
- Linux : Evince Document Viewer
- Macintosh : MacDjView
Labels: Support
How to Open PDF Files
Almost 99% computer users are familiar with the popular PDF format. For those who don't, PDF is a document format used to contain rich documents. It can be identified by the ".pdf" extension.
Portable Document Format documents, abbreviated as PDF documents, is supported in most platforms such as Windows, Linux, Mac etc and even in mobiles with Symbian OS.
I recommend the following softwares for viewing PDF documents in the platforms given below :
- Windows : Adobe Reader
- Linux : Evince Document Viewer
- Macintosh : Adobe Reader
Labels: Support
Problems in General Physics - I.E.Irodov + Solutions
The problems in this book challenges even the best brains in the world. It mostly tests the fundamentals of your knowledge in basic Physics. Some problems may be very tricky and may require the use of principles across two or more topics in Physics. Don't be surprised if I told you that some problems may take a day or more to solve. In the end, this book will prepare you well to take any and toughest examination in the world, in basic Physics. A 'must have' for any Physics lover !!
Problems in General Physics Solutions - Abhay Kumar Singh (India)
University Physics

Labels: Engineering, Physics
May 3, 2008
Inorganic Chemistry (Instant Notes Series) - P. A. Cox

ISBN: 0387916040
Title: Inorganic Chemistry (Instant Notes Series)
Author: P. A. Cox
Publisher: BIOS Scientific Publishers
Publication Date: 2000-01-15
Number Of Pages: 261
Labels: Chemistry
A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry (6th Ed)
Title: A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry (6th Edition)
Author: Peter Sykes
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Publication Date: 1996-02-09
Number Of Pages: 416
Average Amazon Rating: 3.5
Labels: Chemistry